Life in degrees is a personal poetry and occasional short story blog .
Life is seen in many different ways or degrees and with the help of poetry, stories, music and art we may view it from many perspectives.
Poetry is medication for the soul

All contributions and comments will be welcomed Kez

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Sunday, 3 June 2012

Fruit Salad Days

Fruit Salad Days 
Image by Klaus Enrique Gerdes
Mango sunshine sweetness cuts through 
My cabbage styled life, 
One of normality and everyday strifes, 
Tropical salad days are but a few 
Then they occur and its whay hay hoo! 
Forget the stodge and the run of the mill,
I munch on apples till I have my fill,
A melody of fruity tropical sensations fill my being, 
All possibilities and dreams are easier for seeing. 
I return to my diet of the everyday, 
Promising to ensure variation in my lifestyle bouquet,  
The fruit's of life are such a treat, 
But one must have a life that's full and complete! 

Submitted to Magpie Tales where the picture was the prompt! Why not check out other poets interpretations  


  1. Yummy! Love your lifestyle bouquet...

  2. I like the mango sunshine and tropical salad ~ Hope it didn't ruin your everyday diet ~

  3. cabbage styled life hmmm?? messy? brainy? (isn't cabbage kind of the same shapes as a brain?) flatulent? what a great expression, could mean so much

    fruit essence facial mask

  4. I just love "mango sunshine sweetness" mmmm mmmm!

  5. Delicious! This flows well. A bouquet of rhythm and rhyme. :)


  6. Very, very sweeeeet! Delicious :)

  7. me some fruit...would rather have that over chocolate anyday...and i get a little woo yay write...

  8. I love how expressive and full of sunshine your poem is, Kez. I could taste the crunch! Thank you for sharing. =D

  9. Hmmmmmm.. I couldn't agree more on the final line :)

  10. Returning to my diet of the everyday ... I'm better off staying with those fruits and veggies! Nicely done...

  11. A melody of fruity tropical sensations fill my being,
    All possibilities and dreams are easier for seeing.

    This sounds like a juice fast...I've heard that they have this effect. Makes me want to try sometime! Great colorful poem!!

  12. For what are fruit and veg if not sunlight made manifest , Kez, and thank you for my daily dose !

  13. A melody of fruity tropical sensations fill my being,
    All possibilities and dreams are easier for seeing.

    Now you're talking. I'll have some of that!

  14. Hey it is so good to a song and I like what you have said...

  15. lovely weight on vegetables and nutrition of V8

  16. vivid imagery.

  17. what firm writing,
    thanks for sharing.


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